You are all asking the same question, “what difference can I make to anything?” That is where you are so wrong. Look at what millions of people accomplished in uniting together and voting in Barak Obama, our first African American president, but more importantly a man dedicated to change. A man that believes in America as it was meant to be, not what it has morphed into by the fat cat Washington bureaucrats. Millions of people joined together to make a difference. Look at what The has done to help in finding global solutions to hunger and disease. All this was accomplished by an idea that was passed from one ordinary person with conviction to another.
Why can’t we do the same thing? I feel that it is so important to start with our youth and our children; to educate them and to show them the importance of helping others and making a difference to those who will inherit the mess we are leaving them. I believe we can pay it forward and enlist those whom we help to join our cause and help others and we can grow one human being at a time. What do you say? Want to help me. I need your ideas, your support and most of all your belief that we can make a difference and leave the world a better place than we found it. Drop me an email and lets talk.