Hello y’all. Yes, Nick is just about ready to make his splash. You want to hear a little about Nick? Of course you do! Nick Thomas is forty-something year old recovering alcoholic with an easy smile and twinkle in his eye. Nick is a mystery writer who wears blue jeans and listens to the Rolling Stones that lives on Cape Cod in a beach cottage he lovingly restored himself. Well of course Nick finds himself in many dangerous predicaments or else why would anyone want to read these books? It is all about Nick, his personality, his street wisdom, his life philosophy and his ability overcome the challenges put before him. The characters that surround Nick are colorful, alive and very real. His soul mate Chris, a beautiful perky brunette, is also a sober alcoholic and his confidant in his adventures. The Nine Irony, Nicks first adventure, has him framed for the murder of his devious, gold digging ex-wife in this complicated layered mystery that has many surprises and twists. The setting is Cape Cod, the reason……what else? Money and sex. More to come later. In my next blog I will post the first chapter to wet your appetite. Happy reading